
Showing posts from March 14, 2010

Are we Haitians screaming loud enough to be heard?

Here we are 2 months since the devastating earthquake hit Haiti and not much to talk of in lieu of rebuilding. The humanitarian aids have been concentrated exclusively in food and medical care. The government is silent and secretive on its plan for the country. Although, some tents have now been distributed; it is for the most part inadequate. I have heard prices ranging from $75.00 US to $4000 for a tent; no wonder some are going without. Already we heard of countless horror stories when it rains. In my post dated January 22, 2010; “Call for a Nouvelle Port-au-Prince”, I called for tents to be distributed right away and the government’s buildings to be rebuilt in a different location; effectively moving the city. It unfortunately failed onto deft ears. I wish I knew how much money has been collected on our behalf so far? Not only that the Haitian Prime Minister claimed he cannot forcefully move people from the rubbled city, trying to appear democratic; he now claims that it is going ...