Haiti’s Declaration of Independence
So fitting was last week's finding of the only printed copy of Hayti's Declaration of Independence. In a week where the UN declared the 10 Billions dollars pledged for the country's rebuilding, "Haiti's 2 nd Independence"; it could not have been sweeter. This famous document accompanied by the speech given by General Dessalines on that famous day of January 1 st , 1804; the second of its kind, give us a glance at the difficulties that was laid ahead for this newly created Republic. Right in the backyard of the United States of America, a "rag tag army" made of ex-slaves and mulatoes stood tall, head raised to the skies, eyes fixed on the future, gave birth to a nation they baptized Hayti. I read through both documents 3 times on Friday April 2 nd , 2010 and I must admit: never I encountered or heard a more passionate speech than that of Dessalines. On the 3rd time, I challenged myself to read it aloud; my voice quivered many times. Give it a try, p...