Are we Haitians screaming loud enough to be heard?

Here we are 2 months since the devastating earthquake hit Haiti and not much to talk of in lieu of rebuilding. The humanitarian aids have been concentrated exclusively in food and medical care. The government is silent and secretive on its plan for the country. Although, some tents have now been distributed; it is for the most part inadequate. I have heard prices ranging from $75.00 US to $4000 for a tent; no wonder some are going without. Already we heard of countless horror stories when it rains. In my post dated January 22, 2010; “Call for a Nouvelle Port-au-Prince”, I called for tents to be distributed right away and the government’s buildings to be rebuilt in a different location; effectively moving the city. It unfortunately failed onto deft ears. I wish I knew how much money has been collected on our behalf so far?
Not only that the Haitian Prime Minister claimed he cannot forcefully move people from the rubbled city, trying to appear democratic; he now claims that it is going to take 3 years to remove the debris. What is he really trying to say? I remember vividly how the Haitian Diaspora filled streets after streets, city after city, and country after country, from Boston city Hall to Brooklyn Bridge, from Miami to Montreal, from France to Belgium, etc., calling for the return of Aristide to power. Are you so disappointed that we have given up on Haiti? Wake up! There has never been a better time for us to try to influence what goes on Haiti than right now. Way too much of your energy and money have been invested in this land to give up. You made mistake no doubt, you have been dupe, deceit, and robbed. Now is the time to say enough is enough and take your rights seriously. It is not anyone obligation to rebuild Haiti but ours. Let’s tell the International Community what we want. When it comes to rebuilding Haiti, they are just as lost and confused as the Haitian Government.
According to various media reports, the month of March has a full schedule of events deciding on Haiti’s future. Will you be there? What will your sign read this time?
• March 13 and 14 in Santo Domingo: The Haitian Government will be represented at that meeting.
• March 15 in Haiti: The World Bank will be there among others.
• March 16 in Montreal: The Major Donors/Bankers will be there.
• March 22 in Washington DC: The Organization of American States is holding a conference for Haiti.
• March 23 in Martinique: The French Government is holding an international conference for Haiti.
• March 31 in New York: The Donors conference will be held.
The only Haitian consensus so far is, not to give the pledged money to the government as they are too corrupt. But, if not them, who? The international community has blood in their hands too. They have not proved to be accountable either, when it comes to helping Haiti, and furthermore, they do not know what we want. Let’s tell them in one voice that we want a “Haitian Assembly” (see my Feb 14 post) to oversee the distribution and management of the money, to sign off on the different rebuilding projects. While the Preval/Bellerive Government will not answer to the people of Haiti, they will be compelled to respond to the only Assembly which has the power to distribute the money. Let’s not waste this once in 200 years opportunity to be relevant. Have we now become those who plunge into despair and oblivion when their party or their candidate failed to win the election? Are we so disillusioned not to know what we want? Let’s not kill the idea with the man. This is a Haitian problem; we need a Haitian solution. Stand up and be counted if you are Haitian!


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