Why would a Wyclef Jean presidency be bad for Haiti?

Let me state 1st and foremost, I have nothing against Wyclef Jean. Personally, I think he cares very much about Haiti and its people, and he means well. Unlike most of us living abroad, he made his duty to help the less fortunate in the country in their darkest hour. I’m, in no way, questioning his sincerity. I must also state categorically that he is not running for president; as far as I know. But, his story is all too familiar with those the Haitian people usually fall in love with, elect into office, and get burnt by. Among the more recent, one can cite Papa Doc; the doctor who at first spent his career in the countryside combatting malaria and other diseases which were ravaging the farmers in Haiti. Even closer we remember Jean Bertrand Aristide; the radical priest turned politician who was the Great Haitian Hope. To say it kindly, none of them lived up to our expectations. They did not only betray the trust of their people, they also turn on them like the plague.
Haiti, although a fertile paradise a one point, have seen its soil depleted, its mountains cut to bare, its natural resources disseminated, its people impoverished and uneducated, its prized capital destroyed; all ingredients for the rise of a populist. In time of need, people will more likely put their trust in the one who look like them the most. Wyclef Jean fits that mold. He has been there for them, he is there with them, he is one of them. They will beg him to run for president like they did to so many others. One can put ten other formidable, known or unknown, candidates to run against him. But, in democratically fair election, he will win. His brothers and sisters love and adore him; they will feel obligated to repay him for all he has done for them, for sticking with them in their hour of pain and suffering. They will elect the populist.
What’s wrong with that? Says a dear friend of my. I’ll concede that this is the most obvious question; but, not one worth asking. Let us ask rather: what can he do for them? What can he do for a devastated and bankrupted country? What can he do for 8 millions illiterate people stranded in an island with very little resources? Is he the right candidate at this time in our history? Will he be different?
Wyclef Jean, by far the most recognizable haitian face today, is a well connected and well “English” spoken Haitian. He has friends in the American Music and Movie industries, politic and other whelms. His supporters would assert that he could call on them to help at any time; and we need help. I can see him holding concerts after concerts, telethon after telethon on behalf of Haiti. What kind of president would that be? A Wyclef Jean presidency will have the backing of the masses as I said earlier. But, the intellectual elite or what’s left of it will resent him; repeating the class fighting that we are so accustomed to throughout our history. He will try very hard, with little success as the climate of un-cooperation settles in. As a populist, he will talk of the emancipation of the poor, the revitalization of the farm, the education of the masses, the right of the people, etc. But, without a vision and specific plan to achieve those goals, they will be merely words; feel good words. After all, isn’t it what a populist does? He makes people feel good, he gives them hope, he makes them feel like they belong. With his people behind him, he will rule with impunity causing more rifts than there are now. All the while, the money pledged to help rebuild Haiti will be squandered or will remain at the World Bank coffers, undisbursed. The International community will cite lack of progress for reholding the funds. The Aids Organizations will stay in Haiti for ever; feeding the poor, praying for their souls, converting the whole population into “Christian beggars”. We will not see the changes that we so desire. The dream for a better Haiti will have vanished. A smart Wyclef will wait for Haiti to be a functioning country before he’d run for president.
In an op-ed in the Denver Post.com, A group of concerned Haitians suggested naming a board to oversee the use of the money pledged for the rebuilding of Haiti. That board will be formed one way or another. I’d like to go further in proposing a board of well meaning individuals that would hire the next President of Haiti. Something like but, not limited to, the “Assembly of Kosovo”. Radical concept, but, not unheard of; Mexico hired a European King to run the country at some point in their history. Moreover, that is how most successful business function nowadays. Haiti is a failed enterprise; and as such, the Constitution should be put on hold until such a period that it is declared whole again. A board made of judges of the highest court, politicians, and intellectuals (internal and abroad) should look at people's resumes (curriculum vitae) and hire the best possible candidate to run the country for the foreseeable future. They should put together a job description and encourage applicants to submit their C.V. This job description should spells out clearly and precisely the vision for the New Haiti, where the best candidate will be the one with the best plan and ability to execute it. This will be a hard pill to swallow for the US, but it will not be hard to understand as it will be temporary. After all, The US did just that in Iraq after the reversal of Saddam Hussein. The International Community will go along as they are tired of coming to our rescue times after times. They too want to see progress.
Let us put an end to the era of bad governance in Haiti once and for all. Let us, for a moment, remove from this government the burden of having to satisfy political parties and friends. This Review board or assembly would call this government to task and assess progress every six months. Let’s remove the incentive to fill one’s bank account as quickly as possible. Let us give qualified haitians a chance to rebuild their country the way we all dreamt it would be. Let us give the Haitian people a chance. Haiti needs a president that is more of a technician than a leader, a tireless worker, an innovator, someone who thinks outside the box, a miracle worker. We need someone who has the audacity to say “YES”; I can do the job as spelled out in the vision and here is how.


  1. As of last month, the Red Cross reported collection of $300 millions on behalf of Haiti. There are so many others; people will give to whom they feel more confortable with. I volonteer to keep track of the pledged monies if you guys care to send reliable infos. As for Yele, the posting is proof that they are getting all the exposure they need rigth now. I don't feel obligated to sure them up in any way. I'll be placing their pledge form right next to the Red Cross soon. But, without a disclaimer on the blog, be advised that I'm not an agent of either and I'm not collecting any money on behalf of any one in particular. Give at your own discretion.

  2. http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/474747/wyclef-jean-rivers-of-babylon-yele-live.jhtml

    It would not be a bad idea,now we might believe he would be a great president,but does he think he is ready to take over and clean this mess?he never manifests the desire to get involved in Haitian politics. Although He claims changes all the time, and participate in social aspect in Haiti;he never directly share a politic opinion. I don't know what you guys think about my point of view. your feedback on this!!!


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